Oct 23, 2021Vegetarian food is helping to fight climate change. Here's how...You may be surprised how an innocent creature like a cow is helping to destroy the environment. Here are a few facts you must know how cattl
Sep 7, 2021What to cook for Family Today?This was a question homemakers often had to ask in their daily lives. But these days a homemaker’s schedule can rival those of the...
Sep 7, 2021What makes Mylapore Express worthy of your business?Rich ingredients with excellent cooking skills, prepared at the right temperature with the perfect portions at the right time. Now THAT'S...
Aug 3, 2021This one reason is enough to order from Mylapore Express: Family. Mylapore Express is a restaurant, a cloud kitchen, cooks tasty sambar, has great service, and delivers on time. These are some things you...